6.10.14 2

Alt Summit

alt summit 2


In exactly one week, I’ll be headed to Salt Lake City to attend my first ever lifestyle blogging conference, Alt Summit. I’d read about Alt in the past, but didn’t look into it too seriously as the timing conflicted with my day job. Lucky for me, they announced a summer session. I haven’t been this excited to attend a conference in, well, ever!

I am a little nervous about going solo and not knowing another soul, but everyone seems really friendly. There’s a built in connection as all attendees are involved in blogging in some way. I’ve been spending time deciding what I want to get out of the conference. Besides having a great time and connecting with awesome people, I want to focus on practical areas, such as improving my photo styling and graphics. As a relatively new blogger, I want to learn how to grow my blog. Oh yeah, and Martha Stewart is one of the keynote speakers!


As someone that loves fashion, I’ve been busy planning my outfits for the day sessions and parties at night. I can’t wait to share them with you all!



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  1. Kathryn@ Illustrated Nutrition wrote:

    Oh my goodness, I’m so happy for you! This is on my bucket list to go to because I want to get into more of the lifestyle blogging in the future. Let me know how it goes, I’ll go with you next year!

    Published 6.10.14
    • ekartak wrote:

      I will definitely let you know how it goes. I would love to go with you next year too!

      Published 6.12.14